2017年8月23日 星期三

Even When It Hurts by Hillsong UNITED

Take this fainted heart 接納這疲乏的心吧 
Take these tainted hands 接納這污穢的手吧 
Wash me in Your love 用祢的愛將我洗淨 
Come like grace again 再一次像恩典一般來臨 
Even when my strength is lost 即使當我失去力量 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when I have no song 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when it's hard to find the words 即使在難以找出字句之時 
Louder then I'll sing Your praise 我依然大聲向祢唱出讚美 

I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 

Take this mountain weight 擔負這如山一般的重量吧 
Take these ocean tears 承擔這如海一般的淚水吧 
Hold me through the trial 帶著我走過這試煉 
Come like hope again 再一次像希望一般來臨 
Even when the fight seems lost 即使當鬥志消失不見似的 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when it hurts like hell 即使這痛苦地像地獄一般 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when it makes no sense to sing 即使在沒有理由歌唱的時候 
Louder then I'll sing Your praise 我依然大聲向祢唱出讚美 

I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 

And my heart burns only for You 我的心只為祢燃燒 
You are all You are all I want 祢就是我心之所向 
And my soul waits only for You 我的靈只為祢等候 
And I will sing till the morning has come 而我會歌唱 直到早晨來到 
Lord my heart burns only for You 主啊 我的心只為祢燃燒 
You are all You are all I want 祢就是我心之所向 
And my soul waits only for You 我的靈只為祢等候 
And I will sing till the miracle comes 而我會歌唱 直到神蹟來到 

I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美 

Even when the morning comes 即便早晨來臨 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when the fight is won 即便已全然得勝 
I'll praise You 我仍然讚美祢 
Even when my time on earth is done 即便當我離開了世界 
Louder then I'll sing your praise 我依然大聲向祢唱出讚美 
I will only sing Your praise 我只向祢唱出讚美

2015年10月21日 星期三

My Stupid Mouth by John Mayer

My stupid mouth 我那愚蠢的嘴巴
Has got me in trouble 讓我惹上麻煩
I said too much again 我又說太多了
To a date over dinner yesterday 昨天讓一個約會在晚餐之後結束
And I could see 我看得出來
She was offended 她被冒犯了
She said "well anyway..." 她說:「好吧反正...」
Just dying for a subject change 真的極度想要換個話題
Oh, another social casualty score one more for me 喔,又多添了一樁交際的糗事在我身上
How could I forget? 我怎麼可以忘記?
Mama said "think before speaking" 媽媽曾說過:「三思而後行」
No filter in my head 我腦袋裡沒有一個濾篩
Oh, what's a boy to do 喔,一個男孩該做什麼
I guess he better find one soon 我想他最好快點再找一個
We bit our lips  我們各自咬著嘴唇
She looked out the window 她看著窗外
Rolling tiny balls of napkin paper 滾著用餐巾紙揉成的小球
I played a quick game of chess with the salt and pepper shaker 而我用鹽罐和胡椒瓶下了一小局西洋棋
And I could see clearly 而我可以清楚地看出
An indelible line was drawn between what was good, what just slipped out and what went wrong
Oh, the way she feels about me has changed 喔,她對我的感覺已經變了
Thanks for playing, try again 銘謝惠顧,再試一次
How could I forget? 我怎麼可以忘記?
Mama said "think before speaking" 媽媽曾說過:「三思而後行」
No filter in my head 我腦袋裡沒有一個濾篩
Oh, what's a boy to do 喔,一個男孩該做什麼
I guess he better find one 我想他最好快點再找一個
I'm never speaking up again 我再也不要暢所欲言了
It only hurts me 這只會傷害我
I'd rather be a mystery 我寧願成為一個謎
Than she desert me 也不要她遺棄我
Oh I'm never speaking up again 喔,我再也不要暢所欲言了
Starting now 從現在開始
One more thing 還有一件事
Why is it my fault? 為什麼這是我的錯?
So maybe I try too hard 也許是我太努力嘗試了
But it's all because of this desire 但這全都是因為渴望
I just wanna be liked 我只是想要被喜歡
I just wanna be funny 我只是想要變得風趣
Looks like the jokes on me 而在我身上反而淪為笑話
So call me captain backfire 所以叫我''事與願違''隊長
Oh, the way she feels about me has changed 喔,她對我的感覺已經變了
Thanks for playing, try again 銘謝惠顧,再試一次
How could I forget? 我怎麼可以忘記?
Mama said "think before speaking" 媽媽曾說過:「三思而後行」
No filter in my head 我腦袋裡沒有一個濾篩
Oh, what's a boy to do 喔,一個男孩該做什麼
I guess he better find one 我想他最好快點再找一個
I'm never speaking up again 我再也不要暢所欲言了
It only hurts me 這只會傷害我
I'd rather be a mystery 我寧願成為一個謎
Than she desert me 也不要她遺棄我
Oh I'm never speaking up again 喔,我再也不要暢所欲言了
Starting now 從現在開始

2015年10月19日 星期一

Who You Love by John Mayer ft. Katy Perry

You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的

My girl, she ain't the one that I saw coming 我的女孩,並非本來走向我的那位
And sometimes I don't know which way to go 有時候我真的不知該選擇什麼
And I tried to run before 我曾試著要逃避
But I'm not running anymore 但我不再逃避了
Cause I've fought against it hard enough to know 因為我已盡力去找答案還是難以知道為什麼

That you love who you love, who you love (為什麼)你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming who you're dreaming of 喔,你就是沒有辦法讓自己停止渴望自己所渴望的
If it's who you love 如果這是你所愛的
Then it's who you love 那這就是你所愛的

My boy, he ain't the one that I saw coming 我的男孩,並非本來走向我的那位
And some have said his heart's too hot to hold 有人曾說他的心太火熱以致於難以抓住
And it takes a little time 的確是花了點時間等待
But you should see him when he shines 但你真應該看看當他發光發熱的模樣
Cause you never wanna let that feeling go 因為你從不會想讓這怦然心動的感覺消失

When you love who you love, who you love 當你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming who you're dreaming of喔,你就是沒有辦法讓自己停止渴望自己所渴望的
If it's who you love 如果這是你所愛的
Then it's who you love 那這就是你所愛的

Oh you love who you love, who you love 喔你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
You love who you love, who you love 你愛著你所愛的,你所愛的
Oh, you can't make yourself stop dreaming who you're dreaming of 喔,你就是沒有辦法讓自己停止渴望自己所渴望的
If it's who you love 如果這是你所愛的
Then it's who you love 那這就是你所愛的

It's who you love 這就是你所愛的
Who you love 你所愛的
Who we love 我們所愛的
Who you love 你所愛的
You're the one I love 你就是我所愛的那位

Heartbreak Warfare by John Mayer

Lightning strikes inside my chest to keep me up at night 閃電在我胸中大作,讓我輾轉難眠
Dream of ways 想找一個辦法
To make you understand my pain 讓你知道我的痛

Clouds of sulfur in the air 硫磺煙瀰漫在空氣中
Bombs are falling everywhere 炸彈的碎片橫飛
It's heartbreak warfare 這是個心碎的戰爭
Once you want it to begin, no one really every wins in heartbreak warfare 一旦你想開戰,沒有人能真的在心碎的戰爭裡贏得勝利

If you want more love, why don't you say so? 如果你想要更多愛,為什麼不說出來?
If you want more love, why don't you say so? 如果你想要更多愛,為什麼不說出來?

Drop his name 忘掉他的名字吧
Push it in and twist the knife again 刀再次扭轉刺入我的心
Watch my face 看著我的臉
As I pretend to feel no pain 當我假裝一點痛都沒有

Clouds of sulfur in the air 硫磺煙瀰漫在空氣中
Bombs are falling everywhere 炸彈的碎片橫飛
It's heartbreak warfare 這是心碎的戰爭
Once you want it to begin, no one really ever wins in heartbreak warfare 一旦你想開戰,沒有人能真的在心碎的戰爭裡贏得勝利

If you want more love, why don't you say so? 如果你想要更多愛,為什麼不說出來?
If you want more love, why don't you say so? 如果你想要更多愛,為什麼不說出來?
Just say so 就說出來啊

How come the only way to know how high you get me 如何知道你讓我有多麼高興的唯一方法
is to see how far I fall 就是看我摔得有多深
God only knows how much I'd love you if you let me 只有上帝知道,我可以多麼地愛你,只要你願意
but I can't break through at all 但我就是沒有辦法突破
It's a heartbreak 這是心碎

I don't care if we don't sleep at all tonight 我不在意是否我們今晚都不用睡了
Let's just fix this whole thing now 讓我們現在就把這整件事解決
I swear to God we're gonna get it right 我向上帝保證我們一定會把事情弄好
If you lay your weapon down 只要妳放下妳的武器
Red wine and ambien 紅酒混安眠藥(用自殺來當籌碼)
You're talking shit again 妳又再靠么
It's heartbreak warfare 這是個心碎的戰爭
Good to know it's all a game 很好 至少我知道這都只是一場遊戲
Disappointment has a name 失望有一個名字
It's heartbreak warfare 叫做心碎戰爭

Assassin by John Mayer

I work in the dead of night 我走在一個寂靜的夜晚
When the roads are quiet, no one is around to track my moves 當路上十分安靜,四周完全沒有人來追蹤我的行徑
Racing the yellow lights 加快車速搶黃燈
To find the gate is open, she's waiting in the room 找到一扇開著的門,她在房間裡等著
I just step on through 我就這樣踏了進去

You get in, you get done and then you get gone (對自己說)你進去,辦完事然後走人
You never leave a trace, or show your face, you get gone 你從不留下痕跡或著暴露你的臉,你就這樣離開
Should've turned around and left before the sun came up again 一定要在日出之前掉頭走人
But the sun came up again 但太陽再次升起了

Enter the morning light 晨光透進來
To find the day is burning the curtains and the wine 日光像是在燃燒著窗簾和紅酒
In a little white room 在一個微亮的房間裡
Though I'm not alone, her head is heavy on me 但是我不是一個人,她的頭依偎在我身上
She's sleeping like a child 像個孩子般一樣熟睡
What could I do? 我能怎麼辦?

You get in, you get done and then you get gone (對自己說)你進去,辦完事然後走人
You never leave a trace, or show your face, you get gone 你從不留下痕跡或著暴露你的臉,你就這樣離開
Should've turned around and left before the sun came up again 一定要在日出前掉頭走人
But the sun came up again 但太陽再次升起了

I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen 我是個殺手,是他們看過最厲害的一位
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing 我早在妳聽到一些風聲前就偷走了妳的心
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do 我是個刺客,而我有任務要執行
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too 殊不知,那女孩也是一位刺客

Suddenly I'm in over my head and I can hardly breathe 突然間,這超乎了我的理解力,我難以呼吸
Suddenly I'm floating over her bed and I feel everything 突然間,我漂浮在她的床上,而我頓悟到了一切
Suddenly I know exactly what I did, but I can not move a thing 突然間,我完全知道我做了什麼,但我已無法挽救
And suddenly I know exactly what I've done 而突然間我完全意識到自己做了什麼
And what it's gonna mean to me, mean to me 還有它將對我意味著什麼 對我意味著什麼

I'm gone 我離開了

I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen 我是個殺手,是他們看過最厲害的一位
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing 我早在妳聽到一些風聲前就偷走了妳的心
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do 我是個刺客,而我有任務要執行
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too 殊不知,那女孩也是一位刺客

She's an assassin 她是一位刺客
She's an assassin 她是一位刺客
She's an assassin 她是一位刺客
She's an assassin and she had a job to do 她是一位刺客,而且她有個任務要執行

Free Fallin' by John Mayer

(Tom Petty cover)

She's a good girl, loves her mama 她是個好女孩,愛著她媽媽
Loves Jesus and America, too 愛耶穌,也愛美國
She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis 她是個好女孩,為貓王而痴狂
Loves horses and her boyfriend, too 她愛她的馬兒,以及她的男朋友

It's a long day living in reseda 住在里西達的日子很漫長
There's a freeway runnin' through the yard 那裡有一條高速公路穿過庭園
I'm a bad boy 'cause I don't even miss her 我是個壞男孩,因為我根本不想念她
I'm a bad boy for breaking her heart 我是個壞男孩,傷了她的心

And I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 而我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落
And I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落

All the vampires walkin' through the valley 所以的吸血鬼穿越了山谷
They move west down Ventura boulevard 他們向西走到了文圖拉大道
And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows 然後所有的壞男孩站在影子下
And the good girls are home with broken hearts 而好女孩們帶著破碎的心待在家中

And I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 而我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落
Now I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落

Free fallin', 自由的墜落
Now I'm free fallin', 現在我自由的墜落
Now I'm free fallin', 現在我自由的墜落
Now I'm free fallin'. 現在我自由的墜落

I wanna glide down over Mulholland 我想要滑翔向下到達穆赫蘭大道
I wanna write her name in the sky 我想要將她的名字寫在天空上
I wanna free fall out into nothin' 我想要無止盡地自由墜落
I'm gonna leave this world for a while 離開這個世界一會兒

Now I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 現在我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落
Now I'm free, free fallin', fallin' 現在我是自由的 自由的墜落 墜落

2015年10月18日 星期日

Daughters by John Mayer

I know a girl 我認識一個女孩
She puts the color inside of my world 她為我的世界添了色彩
But she's just like a maze 但是她就像一座迷宮
Where all of the walls all continually change 迷宮裡的牆不斷地在改變
And I've done all I can 而我已盡我所能地
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands 全心全意去照著她想要的方向走
Now I'm starting to see 現在我開始認為
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me 也許這不是我的問題

Fathers, be good to your daughters 父親們,請好好愛你們的女兒
Daughters will love like you do 女兒會像你們一樣懂得去愛
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers 女孩們成了某人的愛人,而後會變成了一位母親
So mothers, be good to your daughters too 所以母親們,也請好好地愛你們的女兒

Oh, you see that skin? 喔,你看她
It's the same she's been standing in since the day she saw him walking away 還是跟她看到他離開的那天一樣 依然故我
Now she's left cleaning up the mess he made 現在她得留下來收拾他所遺留的殘局

So fathers, be good to your daughters 所以父親們,請好好愛你們的女兒
Daughters will love like you do 女兒會像你們一樣懂得去愛
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers 女孩們成了某人的愛人,而後會變成了一位母親
So mothers, be good to your daughters too 所以母親們,也請好好地愛你們的女兒

Boys, you can break 男孩們,你們可以超越
You find out how much they can take 你們所發現人們可以承受的限度
Boys will be strong 男孩們會很堅強
And boys soldier on 並且堅持不懈
But boys would be gone without the warmth from a woman's good, good heart 但沒有女人溫柔體恤的心,男孩們是會離開的

On behalf of every man (父親)代表著所有男人
Looking out for every girl 來留心注意每一個女孩
You are the god and the weight of her world 你(父親)就是影響她世界的重要角色

So fathers, be good to your daughters 所以父親們,請好好愛你們的女兒
Daughters will love like you do 女兒會想你們一樣懂得去愛
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers 女孩們成了某人的愛人,而後會變成一位母親
So mothers, be good to your daughters too 所以母親們,也請好好得愛你們的女兒

[My point of view]